Investing in a fully functional sprinkler system to provide fire protection is one critical step any building owner can make. Fire sprinkler systems work by providing small amounts of water to put out fires from their source while helping to reduce damage to property, severe injuries or even deaths caused by fire hazards. The NFPA has recommended fire sprinkler systems as one of the most effective fire protection units available widely. But for you to enjoy the effectiveness of a sprinkler system that is installed in your home, you must ensure that it is serviced as recommended.
How Often Is Maintenance Or Testing Required?
This will depend on different factors including the type of fire sprinkler system installed in your home. However, the general guideline is to ensure the sprinkler system is inspected at least four times every year. Quarterly inspections can help to identify issues that may affect the performance of sprinkler heads, valves, piping and other components that the system relies upon to function optimally. A fire protection expert will visit your home and assess the physical state of the system to ensure the sprinkler heads are not obstructed and that all the other components are functioning as they should.
Maintenance or testing may also be recommended if you have done a renovation or made significant changes in your home’s structure that could interfere with the system. For instance, if you recently changed the piping in your home, it’s important to have a fire protection expert visit the site and review the state of the system. Any inspections or maintenance work needs to be done by an experienced and licensed fire protection expert.
What To Expect During Testing/Maintenance
When testing is done, you should be given a test report that clearly outlines the functioning of your fire protection system. The sprinkler system is likely to be drained in order for it to be charged with fresh water. The process of testing your fire sprinkler system should not result in any form of accidental water discharge. Experienced fire protection experts will ensure that the water is dispensed in an area that doesn’t cause any form of damage during the testing process. If the sprinkler system is connected to your fire alarm, all the signals are turned off to prevent the alarm from going off during testing. Your monitoring station will be notified of the testing so that they can turn off signals for the time period that is required to get it done.
Fire sprinkler system testing and maintenance can help you to prevent significant property loss and severe injuries by making sure the system you have in place is in full working order. You will never have to be worried about the sprinkler system discharging water accidentally because the temperature rating was not properly set. All these elements are carefully reviewed by the fire protection expert so you never have to worry about losses whenever there is a fire hazard. Ask your local fire protection specialist to review your current sprinkler system and advice on the way forward.