Ontario has a total of 730 retirement homes. Out of all these retirement homes, the Ontario fire law stipulates that each home must comply for upgrade to automated fire sprinklers by 1st January 2019. As we speak, only 580 homes out of the 730 retirement homes have managed to acquire complete automated sprinkler systems.
Might you be among the remaining retirement homes that still hasn’t installed or retrofitted their homes with these systems? If you are, the provincial government is willing to give you a helping hand in the upgrade of your systems before the new regulation deadline is here with us. The Ontario government has promised to donate $20 million dollars in cash as a way to help those retirement homes in the rural and smaller areas of Ontario that are financially unable to meet this new obligation.
Our team at Steadfast is also ready, willing, and able to help your retirement home in either retrofitting or installation of the required systems. If you are one of the remaining retirement homes that still hasn’t complied with the law, call us and we will help you get it done.
Our long exposure in the fire protection industry has enabled us to deliver services to all types of retirement homes. Whether in the rural or urban areas, big and small homes, we can handle any work you give us. We distinguish the homes we work in with sizes. For us, a small home is one that has 49 suites or less. Rural retirement homes on the other hand are much bigger and are situated in towns with a human population of not more than 100,000 residents. Steadfast assures all retirement homes with 49 beds and below that their homes are eligible for funding from the government which will assist them to install the new fire sprinkler systems before the law takes effect on 1st January.
Whether you are in a rural or small licensed retirement home, make sure to apply for this government funding so that you can get to install the new automated sprinkler systems. Take advantage of this program by avoiding delay. Delay can be avoided by ensuring that you have submitted your funding application before 1st June 2018 and getting all your retrofit work completed by 31st December 2018. We guarantee you nothing but relief when you follow the above guidelines.
For more information about this government offer, make sure to contact us. We also urge all retirement homeowners to attend ‘Together we care 2018’, where they will meet up with all life-care and retirement home experts to share/discuss fascinating issues concerning their line of work.
As we conclude, we advise all retirement homeowners to go through the course guidelines for fire sprinkler modification programs on rural or small licensed retirement homes. Get a free quotation for sprinkler system installment by calling Steadfast. We guarantee you utmost confidence during fire outbreaks when you depend on quality fire protection Toronto.